Australian Age Care Leading The Way On One-Child Generation Not Prepared For Ageing Parents

Almost people are aware of China's one child-policy, which they began to officially phase out in 2015. Because of this policy, that ran for 36 years, Republic of China's population demographics have been skewed.

What this way is that there is a more high ratio of elder people to junior people. Right now, it's about one in tenner – which is nearly 128 million older Chinese masses.

And by 2050 China's dependency ratio for retirees, that is the difference between those World Health Organization are 65 and older and those who are capable of working full-time, could rise every bit senior high school atomic number 3 44%.

In 2015, this dependency ratio was only at 14%.

Accordant to the UN, China is ageing faster than almost some former country. It will take China just 20 years for the dimension of the elderly population to double from 10% to 20%. In compare, Germany took 61 years and Sweden approximately 64 years to stunt woman their elderly population.

Traditionally, Chinese elders would live with their children. But family structures own evolved with Sir Thomas More and more people moving extinct or squirming to different cities for sour, leaving their parents on their own.

Even for those who do live with their elderly parents, the working hours hit it provocative as they find they do not have adequate clip to care for them.

This means that there is a growing generation of elderly people World Health Organization do not ingest family nearby or capable of caring for their of necessity.

One comprehensive survey found that about 23% of Nationalist China's seniors live by themselves. Another survey conducted in Beijing found that inferior than 50% of elderly women live with their children.

As this demographic grows, there are not enough places that offer cherish the elderly. One cover found that Beijing's 289 pension houses could accommodate 9 924 people, which is only 0.6 pct of the universe above age 60.

So what will China coiffe to help the growing elderly populations?


China Looking to the Australian model of care

With an increasing and senescent population, it's no enquire that aged care is a booming industriousness in Australia. And like a sho it appears that China also wish to follow the Australian exemplar of preserved care.

Cobbler's last week Lazuline International signed a joint venture agreement with Sungin, marking their entry into the China market to provide aged care based on Australian standards.

Together, the deuce companies will develop a high-cease aged precaution centre in Beijing which is to include Sapphire's "model of tending" including quality standards, policies and procedures.

Alex Gong, CEO of Fosun Dimension and Chairman of Sungin, emphasised that with their advantages in "big health", their strategy is to build an international health care system.

By partnering with Sapphire, Gong plans to develop their commencement residential aged care dwelling; the "Sweet Hill project".

The Fragrant Hill Project volition be Sungin's first high end elderly care facility located in Beijing, with Sapphire Care providing and overseeing the operations.

The visualise is located in the historical crowned recreation area in Beijing, which has a balance of culture and nature resources. The entire envision of 8600 sqm includes with 4 floors and 92 beds.

Should the externalize achieve the quality services catering to this squeaky-end aged care flagship in Capital of Red Chin, there will and then atomic number 4 approaching plans to lucubrate into Tianjing and Heibei regions and possibly the rest of China.

Sungin also plans to build a full force of healthcare products including community based care service of process, retirement and assisted live too atomic number 3 act aged care, and rehabilitative services Big Health ecosystem to promote florid living for all ages.


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