The Leopards I Wonder if Ill Ever See You Again

Othello Translation Act 3, Scene 3

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Be yard assured, expert Cassio, I will practice All my abilities in thy behalf.


Residual assured, good Cassio,  I volition practice all I tin for yous.


Adept madam, do. I warrant information technology grieves my married man Equally if the cause were his.


Please do, skilful madam. The situation has my hubby troubled every bit if the trouble were his ain.


Oh, that'south an honest fellow. Do not dubiousness, Cassio, Only I will have my lord and yous again As friendly as you lot were.


Oh, your husband'southward an honest fellow. Cassio, do not dubiety that I will presently have y'all and my hubby as close as y'all were before.


Bounteous madam, Whatever shall become of Michael Cassio, He's never anything but your true servant.


Generous madam, whatever happens to me, I'll always be your loyal servant.


I know 't, I thank you. You do dearest my lord. You have known him long, and be you well assured He shall in strangeness stand up no farther off Than in a polite distance.


Cheers. I know yous mean that. You really practise dearest my husband. You've known him for a long time, and yous can exist sure that he is only keeping his distance from yous for political reasons.


Ay, but, lady, That policy may either concluding then long, Or feed upon such nice and waterish nutrition, Or breed itself so out of circumstances, That, I being absent and my identify supplied, My general will forget my love and service.


Aye, just, my lady, I worry that he may keep this distance for so long—considering it is easier to keep doing it, or considering some blow or other makes it necessary— that he will forget my love and service to him while I am gone and someone else is in my place.


Do not doubtfulness that. Before Emilia hither I give thee warrant of thy place. Clinch thee, If I do vow a friendship, I'll perform it To the last article. My lord shall never rest, I'll watch him tame and talk him out of patience. His bed shall seem a schoolhouse, his board a shrift, I'll intermingle everything he does With Cassio'southward suit. Therefore exist merry, Cassio, For thy solicitor shall rather dice Than requite thy cause abroad.


Don't worry about that. With Emilia here every bit my witness, I guarantee that you will take your place back equally lieutenant. I assure y'all, when I hope to practise something out of friendship, I evangelize. My husband won't accept a moment of residuum because I'll keep him awake all night to talk his ear off about this. I'll lecture him until our bed feels similar a school room and his table a confessional. I'll mention your case no affair what he's doing. And then cheer upwardly, Cassio. I'd rather dice than fail on your behalf.


Madam, here comes my lord.


Madam, here comes my married man.


Madam, I'll take my go out.


Madam, I'll leave now.


Why, stay and hear me speak.


Why don't you stay hither and hear me speak?


Madam, not now. I am very sick at ease, Unfit for mine ain purposes.


Madam, non now. I don't have a good feeling about this, and don't think information technology's the right time.


Well, practice your discretion.


Well, it'southward up to you.


Ha! I like not that.


Huh. I don't similar the looks of that.


What dost thou say?


What are you talking almost?


Cypher, my lord, or if—I know not what.


Nothing, my lord, unless—I don't know.


Was not that Cassio parted from my married woman?


Wasn't that Cassio who was just talking to my wife?


Cassio, my lord? No, sure, I cannot think it That he would steal away so guilty-like Seeing you coming.


Cassio, my lord? No, surely not. I can't imagine he would slink away looking then guilty later on seeing y'all coming.


I practise believe 'twas he.


I think it was him.


How now, my lord? I have been talking with a suitor here, A human that languishes in your displeasure.


How are you, my husband? I have been talking here with a man who, sadly, y'all are displeased with.


Who is 't you hateful?


Why, your lieutenant, Cassio. Good my lord, If I have whatsoever grace or power to move you His present reconciliation take. For if he exist not i that truly loves yous, That errs in ignorance and not in cunning, I take no judgment in an honest face. I prithee, call him back.


Your lieutenant, Cassio. My good husband, if I accept any grace or power to persuade you, please accept his apology. I swear he truly loves you and made a error on blow, not on purpose, or else I can't judge an honest face. Please, telephone call him back hither.


Went he hence now?


Was that him who just left?


Ay, sooth, so humbled That he hath left part of his grief with me To suffer with him. Skillful love, telephone call him dorsum.


Yep, that's right. And he was then humbled and troubled that now I feel deplorable for him. My love, telephone call him back here.


Not now, sweet Desdemona. Some other time.


Not at present, sweetness Desdemona. Some other time.


Merely shall 't be soon?


But will that fourth dimension exist soon?


The sooner, sugariness, for yous.


All the sooner because you asked, sweetheart.


Shall 't be tonight at supper?


So, volition that exist this night at dinner?


Tomorrow dinner, then?


Tomorrow at dinner, then?


I shall non dine at habitation, I meet the captains at the citadel.


I'yard not eating dinner at domicile tomorrow. I'm meeting the captains at the castle.


Why, then, tomorrow night, or Tuesday morn. On Tuesday noon, or night, or Wednesday morn. I prithee name the time, but let it non Exceed 3 days. In faith, he's penitent, And yet his trespass, in our common reason (Save that, they say, the wars must make example Out of her best) is non, almost, a fault T' incur a private bank check. When shall he come? Tell me, Othello. I wonder in my soul What you would ask me that I should deny Or stand so mamm'ring on. What? Michael Cassio That came a-wooing with you lot, then many a fourth dimension, When I have spoke of you lot dispraisingly, Hath ta'en your part, to take then much to practice To bring him in? Trust me, I could practise much—


Then practice information technology tomorrow night, or Tuesday forenoon. Or Tuesday at noon, or Tuesday night, or even Wednesday forenoon. You proper noun the time, but please sometime within the next three days. Truly, he regrets what he's done, and his error wasn't actually that serious—except that, as they say, military discipline requires that you be most strict with the best soldiers— and should barely have fifty-fifty required a private scolding . When will Cassio come back? Tell me, Othello. If you asked me for something, I wouldn't just say no, or stand in that location hesitating. What do you lot say? Michael Cassio helped yous when you were courtship me, and whenever I criticized you he stood up for you lot. Why should information technology be and then hard for him to get to talk with you? Trust me, I could exercise a lot—


Prithee, no more. Let him come when he will, I will deny thee nothing.


Delight, don't talk anymore nearly this. Permit Cassio come when he wants. I won't deny you what you lot want.


Why, this is not a boon, 'Tis as I should entreat you wear your gloves, Or feed on nourishing dishes, or go on you warm, Or sue to y'all to do a peculiar profit To your own person. Nay, when I have a suit Wherein I mean to touch your love indeed It shall be full of poise and difficult weight And fearful to exist granted.


This isn't a slap-up favor you're doing me. It's equally if I'k trying to persuade you to put on gloves when information technology's common cold out, or to swallow healthy nutrient, or to keep yourself warm, or to do anything that'southward salubrious. No, when I take something to enquire of you that will really exam your beloved, it will be a difficult, serious thing, 1 that you wouldn't grant easily.


I will deny thee nothing! Whereon I practice beseech thee, grant me this, To leave me but a little to myself.


I will never say no to you lot! All I inquire of y'all right now is that you lot go out me alone for a bit.


Shall I deny you? No. Farewell, my lord.


And will I say no to you? No, I won't. Adieu, my husband.


Bye, my Desdemona. I'll come to thee straight.


Goodbye, my Desdemona. I'll come see you soon.


Emilia, come.—Be every bit your fancies teach you. Whate'er y'all be, I am obedient.


Emilia, come up with me. Act however you want, Othello. Whatsoever y'all do, I'll be obedient to you lot.



Excellent wretch! Perdition catch my soul But I do love thee! And when I love thee not Chaos is come again.


Oh, that crazy daughter. Only I'll be damned if don't love her! The globe will end before I stop loving her.


What dost thou say, Iago?


Did Michael Cassio, when y'all wooed my lady, Know of your beloved?


Did Michael Cassio know nearly your love for Desdemona when yous were courting her?


He did, from first to last. Why dost thou ask?


He did, from the very starting time. Why do y'all ask?


Simply for a satisfaction of my idea, No farther harm.


Oh, no reason. I was simply curious.


Why of thy thought, Iago?


Why were you curious, Iago?


I did not call back he had been acquainted with her.


I didn't recollect he had met her.


Oh, yes, and went between us very oft.


Oh, yes he knew her, and oftentimes carried messages between Desdemona and me.


Indeed? Ay, indeed! Discern'st g zippo in that? Is he not honest?


What do you lot hateful, "really?" Yes, really. You recollect something'southward strange about that? Isn't Cassio honest?


Honest, ay, honest.


Honest, yes, honest.


My lord, for aught I know.


My lord, for all I know.


What dost grand think?


What do you call up?


"Call back, my lord?" Alas, thou echo'st me As if in that location were some monster in thy thought Likewise hideous to be shown. 1000 dost mean something. I heard thee say fifty-fifty now thou lik'st non that When Cassio left my wife. What didst non like? And when I told thee he was of my counsel Of my whole class of wooing, yard cried'st "Indeed?" And didst contract and pocketbook thy brow together Every bit if thou then hadst shut up in thy brain Some horrible conceit. If thou dost love me Show me thy thought.


"Remember, my lord?" Come on, y'all're repeating everything I say like a strange monster in your mind that you lot're afraid is to hideous to bear witness. You're hinting at something. You just said earlier that you lot didn't similar how Cassio left my wife'south side. What nearly it didn't you like? And when I told y'all that Cassio advised me the whole fourth dimension I was courting Desdemona, you said, "Oh actually?" And yous raised your eyebrows like you had some cloak-and-dagger idea about it. If you lot care about me at all, tell me what you're thinking.


My lord, you lot know I honey you.


My lord, you know I care about yous.


I think k dost. And for I know thou 'rt full of love and honesty And counterbalance'st thy words before thou giv'st them breath, Therefore these stops of thine fearfulness me the more. For such things in a false disloyal knave Are tricks of custom, but in a man that'south but They are close dilations, working from the heart, That passion cannot rule.


I recall you practise. And it's precisely considering I know you are total of love and honesty and think carefully earlier you speak that I'm even more worried about the style you're hesitating. In some disloyal liar, it wouldn't mean annihilation, but in an honest man similar you, these kinds of reactions are indications of thoughts that come from the heart which cannot exist clouded by emotion.


For Michael Cassio, I dare be sworn, I recall, that he is honest.


Equally far as Michael Cassio goes, I think I can swear that he is honest.


Men should exist what they seem, Or those that exist not, would they might seem none!


Men should be what they seem to be. And if they aren't, I wish they wouldn't pretend to be anything that they're not!


Certain, men should be what they seem.


Certainly, men should exist what they seem to be.


Why so I think Cassio's an honest man.


Well then, I think Cassio is an honest man.


Nay, yet in that location'south more in this. I prithee speak to me as to thy thinkings, As thou dost ruminate, and give thy worst of thoughts The worst of words.


No, there'southward something more going on. Please, tell me what y'all're thinking to yourself, and speak even the worst thoughts you are thinking.


Good my lord, pardon me, Though I am jump to every act of duty I am not bound to that all slaves are free to. Utter my thoughts? Why, say they are vile and false, As where's that palace whereinto foul things Sometimes intrude not? Who has that breast so pure Wherein uncleanly apprehensions Go along leets and law-days and in sessions sit down With meditations lawful?


My good lord, pardon me. I must obey your every order, but I don't take to do that which even slaves aren't obligated to exercise—divulge my thoughts. What if my thoughts are vile and untrue? Subsequently all, what palace is there that has never let a foul thing inside? Who has ever had a heart and then pure that impure thoughts haven't held court with lawful thoughts?


Thou dost conspire confronting thy friend, Iago, If thou but think'st him wronged and mak'st his ear A stranger to thy thoughts.


Iago, if y'all think that a friend of yours is in problem merely yous don't say anything, then you are wronging your friend.


I do beseech you, Though I perchance am savage in my approximate, Equally, I confess, it is my nature'due south plague To spy into abuses, and often my jealousy Shapes faults that are not, that your wisdom, From ane that then imperfectly conceits, Would take no notice, nor build yourself a trouble Out of his scattering and unsure observance. It were not for your quiet nor your good, Nor for my manhood, honesty, and wisdom To let you know my thoughts.


Since I am possibly incorrect in my gauge—and I admit it's my nature to wait into possible misdeeds and frequently I imagine wrongs that aren't really there— I beg you in your wisdom non to put too much stock in what I say, since I often wrongly imagine things. Don't make a large bargain out of my smattering of uncertain observations. It would not be good for you lot, and it wouldn't be wise, honest, or manly of me to permit you know my thoughts.


What dost thou hateful?


Good name in man and woman, dear my lord, Is the immediate jewel of their souls. Who steals my purse steals trash. 'Tis something, nothing: 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands. Simply he that filches from me my skilful name Robs me of that which not enriches him And makes me poor indeed.


A practiced reputation is the nearly precious jewel of a man's or a adult female'due south soul, my beloved lord. If someone steals money from me, it's not a big deal. It was mine, now it's his, and it's been held by thousands of others. Just if someone steals my good reputation from me, then he really does brand me truly poor, and steals something that doesn't even make him whatsoever richer.


I'll know thy thoughts.


I want to know your thoughts.


Yous cannot, if my heart were in your paw, Nor shall non, whilst 'tis in my custody.


You cannot know, not fifty-fifty if you lot were squeezing my center in your hand to brand me tell you. And as long equally I have my heart, I won't tell you.


Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the envy monster which doth mock The meat it feeds on. That cuckold lives in bliss Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger, Simply, oh, what damnèd minutes tells he o'er Who dotes, yet doubts— suspects, even so soundly loves!


Oh, my lord, beware of jealousy! It is a envy monster that mocks whoever information technology eats away at. A homo who knows for certain that his wife is adulterous on him lives in bliss, since he knows not to dearest his wife. But, oh, what torture it is to love merely doubt your wife, doubtable her of something simply still dearest her.


Poor and content is rich, and rich plenty, Simply riches fineless is as poor as winter To him that ever fears he shall be poor. Good sky, the souls of all my tribe defend From jealousy!


To be poor simply content is actually to exist quite rich. Merely you tin can have endless riches and still be as poor as anyone if you are ever afraid of losing your riches. Practiced heaven, defend us all from jealousy!


Why, why is this? Retrieve'st chiliad I'd make a life of jealousy, To follow notwithstanding the changes of the moon With fresh suspicions? No! To be once in doubt Is to be resolved. Exchange me for a caprine animal When I shall turn the concern of my soul To such exsufflicate and blowed surmises, Matching thy inference. 'Tis not to make me jealous To say my wife is fair, feeds well, loves company, Is free of spoken communication, sings, plays, and dances. Where virtue is, these are more virtuous. Nor from mine ain weak merits volition I draw The smallest fear or doubt of her revolt, For she had eyes and chose me. No, Iago, I'll see before I doubt, when I dubiety, prove, And on the proof at that place is no more but this: Away at once with love or jealousy!


Why would say that? Practise you remember I would make jealousy my whole life, and with every change in the moon detect new suspicions? No! To dubiety once is to make up your mind. I'd rather turn into a goat than devote all my time to such overblown suspicions, like the sort of jealous man you're describing. It wouldn't make me jealous for you lot to say that my wife is pretty, eats well, enjoys the visitor of others, speaks her mind, sings, plays music, and dances. When a adult female is virtuous, these traits are virtuous besides. And I volition non worry or fright that she may be unfaithful because I am not very desirable. She knew who she was marrying. No, Iago, I won't doubtfulness Desdemona until I come across something, and if I doubt her I'll meet if I can prove it. If I get proof, there'southward simply one affair to exercise: get rid of either my beloved or my jealousy.


I am glad of this, for now I shall have reason To show the love and duty that I bear y'all With franker spirit. Therefore, as I am bound, Receive it from me. I speak non nevertheless of proof. Look to your wife, notice her well with Cassio. Wear your eyes thus, not jealous nor secure. I would non have your free and noble nature Out of self-compensation be driveling. Look to 't. I know our country disposition well. In Venice they exercise let God see the pranks They dare non prove their husbands. Their best censor Is not to leave 't undone, merely proceed't unknown.


I'1000 glad to hear this, considering now I can bear witness my honey for you and fulfill my duty in a more frank manner. And so, hear what I must tell yous. I don't have whatsoever proof still. Merely proceed an eye on your wife, and watch her advisedly with Cassio. Look at her like this: don't be too jealous or too trusting. I wouldn't want you to get taken advantage of because of your noble, kind nature. Look out. I know the people of my country well. Women of Venice permit God encounter the sorts of exploits they wouldn't dare let their husbands run into. Their conscience doesn't end them from doing bad things, just but keeps them from letting their bad deeds be known.


Dost k say so?


She did deceive her father, marrying y'all, And when she seemed to shake and fright your looks, She loved them most.


Desdemona deceived her father in marrying you, and she pretended to shake in fright at your looks when she actually loved them.


Why, go to then. She that, then young, could give out such a seeming, To seel her male parent's eyes upward close as oak, He thought 'twas witchcraft. But I am much to blame. I humbly do beseech you of your pardon For likewise much loving yous.


Well, there you take it, then. Even though she was a young woman, she was then good at lying that she made her father as bullheaded every bit a tree to her plans. He even idea you'd used witchcraft on her. But I'thou partially to blame for proverb this. I beg your pardon for loving you lot besides much.


I am bound to thee forever.


I am forever in your debt.


I run across this hath a little dashed your spirits.


I tin meet this has upset you a little.


Not a jot, not a jot.


Non at all, not at all.


Trust me, I fearfulness it has. I hope you lot will consider what is spoke Comes from my love. Simply I do see y'all're moved. I am to pray yous not to strain my spoken language To grosser issues nor to larger reach Than to suspicion.


Trust me, I worry it has. Delight consider that what I am maxim comes from my love for you. Merely I run into you really are affected past what I've said. I only meant to warn you lot to exist a little suspicious. I beg y'all not to make more out of this than yous should.


Should yous practice and then, my lord, My speech should autumn into such vile success Which my thoughts aimed not at. Cassio'due south my worthy friend— My lord, I see you're moved.


If you do, my speech would have the very vile furnishings that I didn't desire information technology to. Cassio is my deserving friend—my Lord, I see you're troubled.


No, non much moved. I exercise not call back simply Desdemona'due south honest.


No, I'm not troubled. I think Desdemona is nothing but honest.


Long live she so. And long alive yous to think and so.


May she exist exist honest for a long time. And that you volition think she's honest for a long fourth dimension.


And yet how nature, erring from itself—


And even so, one can human action confronting one's nature—


Ay, there's the signal. As, to be bold with you, Non to affect many proposèd matches Of her own clime, complexion, and degree, Whereto we run across in all things nature tends— Foh! One may scent in such a will most rank, Foul disproportions, thoughts unnatural. Just—pardon me— I do not in position Distinctly speak of her, though I may fear Her volition, recoiling to her improve judgment, May fall to match you with her country forms, And happily repent.


Yes, that's the point. At the gamble of being too honest, it was against her nature not to like so many suitors of her own state, complexion, and social rank, since those who share such similarities are naturally drawn to each other. Ugh! Y'all can practically scent a gross desire in excessive proportion and foul thoughts in such a person. Just forgive me, I am talking generally and don't hateful her in detail, although I practice fear that she may return to her better judgment, prefer her own countrymen to you, and have dorsum her love for you.


Farewell, farewell. If more k dost perceive, let me know more. Set on thy wife to observe. Leave me, Iago.


Bye, goodbye. If you notice anything more, permit me know. Have your married woman look out, too. Leave me, Iago.


My lord, I take my leave. [going]


My lord, I will get out now. [He starts to leave.]


[aside] Why did I ally? This honest creature doubtless Sees and knows more than, much more, than he unfolds.


[To himself] Why did I marry? Without a doubt, this honest homo has seen more than he lets on, and knows more than—much more—than he is telling me.


(returns) My lord, I would I might entreat your accolade To scan this thing no farther. Leave it to fourth dimension. Although 'tis fit that Cassio take his place, For certain, he fills information technology up with great ability, Even so, if you lot please to concord him off awhile, You shall by that perceive him and his means. Note if your lady strain his entertainment With any strong or fierce importunity. Much volition exist seen in that. In the meantime, Let me exist thought too busy in my fears— As worthy cause I accept to fear I am— And hold her free, I do beseech your honor.


[Returning] My lord, I ask you not to worry about this anymore. Requite information technology some fourth dimension. Information technology is right for Cassio to become his identify every bit lieutenant back—for sure, he's very proficient at the job—merely if you await for a while you will get a amend idea of what he'south up to. Take notation if your wife strongly insists that yous reinstate him. That would mean a lot. In the meantime, just think that I'm beingness overly suspicious in my fears—and I have good reason to think I may be—and I beg you to consider Desdemona innocent.


Fear non my regime.


Don't worry about how I'll handle myself.


I over again accept my leave.


This fellow's of exceeding honesty And knows all quantities, with a learnèd spirit, Of man dealings. If I practice evidence her haggard, Though that her jesses were my beloved heartstrings, I'd whistle her off and let her down the wind To prey at fortune. Haply, for I am black And accept not those soft parts of chat That chamberers accept, or for I am declined Into the vale of years—all the same that'due south not much— She's gone, I am driveling, and my relief Must be to loathe her. Oh, curse of marriage That nosotros tin can call these fragile creatures ours And non their appetites! I had rather be a toad And alive upon the vapor of a dungeon Than keep a corner in the matter I love For others' uses. Yet 'tis the plague to great ones, Prerogatived are they less than the base. 'Tis destiny unshunnable, similar death. Fifty-fifty then this forkèd plague is fated to us When we do quicken. Look where she comes.


This man is very honest and knows man interactions very well. If I notice proof that Desdemona is unfaithful, I'll let her go like I'm getting rid of a pet, even if the leash is my own heartstrings. Perhaps since I am blackness and don't have the smooth conversational skills of gallant men, or maybe since I'm getting onetime—only no, none of that's important. She'south gone, I am betrayed, and my just recourse must exist to hate her. Oh, this is the expletive of marriage, that we can have control over our delicate wives, but not their desires. I'd rather exist a toad who survives off the mold in a dungeon than to share the affair I love with others. Simply that'south what you get for being a powerful man, as this happens more often to noblemen than to commoners. It's an inescapable function of fate, similar expiry. From the moment we're born we are blighted to wear the horns . Look, here she comes.


If she exist false, heaven mocked itself. I'll not believe 't.

If she is a liar, sky has played a play a joke on on itself. I won't believe information technology.


How now, my dear Othello? Your dinner, and the generous islanders Past you invited, do nourish your presence.


How are you, my honey Othello? The islanders you invited to dinner are waiting for you.


Why do you speak and then faintly? Are you not well?


Why do you lot speak so faintly? Are you okay?


I take a pain upon my forehead, here.


I take a headache, here by my forehead.


Why that'southward with watching, 'twill abroad again. Let me but bind it hard, within this hour It will be well. [pulls out a handkerchief]


Well, that'south from staying up also late. It will go away presently. Let me merely tie this handkerchief tight around your caput and it will experience ameliorate within an hr. [She pulls out a handkerchief]


Your napkin is too little, Let information technology alone.


Your handkerchief is besides small. Leave it alone.

Come, I'll go in with you.

Come on, I'll get inside with yous.


I am very sorry that y'all are not well.


I am very sorry that you aren't feeling well.



(picks up the handkerchief) I am glad I take found this napkin, This was her first remembrance from the Moor. My wayward hubby hath a hundred times Wooed me to steal it, but she so loves the token (For he conjured her she should ever keep it) That she reserves it evermore about her To osculation and talk to. I'll have the work ta'en out And give 't Iago. What he will practice with information technology Heaven knows, not I. I aught but to please his fantasy.


[She picks up DESDEMONA's handkerchief] I am glad I take found this handkerchief. This was Desdemona'southward outset gift from the Moor. My stubborn husband has asked me to steal it a hundred times, only she loves it and then much (for Othello asked her never to lose it) that she always keeps it with her to kiss and talk to. I'll have the embroidered design copied and give it to Iago. God knows what he will practise with it. God only knows. I certainly don't. I simply like to brand him happy.


How now! What practice you hither lone?


What'due south going on? What are you doing here alone?


Do not you lot chide. I have a thing for you.


Don't scold me. I have something for you.


A thing for me? It is a mutual thing—


You have a matter for me? It is a common thing. . .


To have a foolish wife.


. . . to have a foolish wife.


Oh, is that all? What will you give me now For the same handkerchief?


Oh, is that information technology? What will yous requite me at present for the handkerchief itself?


What handkerchief? Why, that the Moor first gave to Desdemona, That which and so frequently you did bid me steal.


What handkerchief? The one the Moor start gave to Desdemona, the one you so often asked me to steal.


Hast stolen it from her?


You've stolen information technology from her?


No, but she let it drop past negligence And, to thursday' advantage, I being hither, took 't up. Look, here it is.


No, she let it drop carelessly. And, since I happened to be here, I took the opportunity to choice information technology up. Look, here it is.


A adept wench, give it me.


That's a good girl, give information technology to me.


What will you do with 't, that you have been so earnest To have me filch it?


What will yous do with it? Why have you been so eager for me to steal it?


Why, what is that to y'all?


If it be not for some purpose of import, Give 't me again. Poor lady, she'll run mad When she shall lack it.


If yous don't take an of import purpose for information technology, then give it dorsum to me. Poor Desdemona, she'll be and so upset when she realizes it's missing.


Be non acknown on 't, I take use for it. Go, leave me.


Don't tell her what happened to it. I have a use for it. Go on, leave me alone.

I will in Cassio'due south lodging lose this napkin And let him find it. Trifles calorie-free as air Are to the jealous confirmations strong As proofs of holy writ. This may do something. The Moor already changes with my poison. Dangerous conceits are in their natures poisons Which at the commencement are deficient found to distaste, Merely with a footling human action upon the blood Burn like the mines of sulfur.

I will leave this handkerchief in Cassio's room, and let him notice information technology in that location. Unimportant, trifling matters count equally strong prove to the jealous. This may have pregnant consequences. The Moor is already being changed by my poisonous communication. Unsafe suspicion are like poisons that don't even taste very bad at first, but slowly human activity on the blood and burn the insides shortly like unquenchable sulfur.

I did say so. Wait, where he comes. Not poppy nor mandragora Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world, Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet slumber Which thou owedst yesterday.

Just as I said. Look, hither he comes. No exotic found or herb, nor any sleeping medicine in the earth, volition return to you that sweet restful sleep y'all enjoyed just yesterday.


Ha! Ha! Faux to me?


Ha! Ha! Desdemona, unfaithful to me?


Why, how now, general? No more of that.


Why, what is going on, General? Don't talk like that.


Avaunt! Be gone! M hast ready me on the rack. I swear 'tis improve to be much abused Than only to know 't a piddling.


Away! Get abroad from me! You have tortured me. I swear information technology'due south amend to be horribly betrayed and not realize it than to know a bit about it.


What is going on, my lord?


What sense had I in her stol'n hours of lust? I saw 't non, thought information technology non, it harmed not me. I slept the side by side night well, fed well, was gratuitous and merry. I found not Cassio's kisses on her lips. He that is robbed, non wanting what is stol'n, Let him not know't, and he's not robbed at all.


Was I completely senseless during the hours she was cheating on me? I didn't see anything, and I didn't suspect anything. So, information technology didn't practice me whatever damage. I slept well later on, ate well, and was happy and carefree. I didn't see Cassio's kisses on her lips. If a homo is ever robbed merely doesn't realize what has been stolen, let him not know he's been robbed. Then it'due south as if the robbery never happened.


I am pitiful to hear this.


I am distressing to hear this.


I had been happy if the full general army camp, Pioneers and all, had tasted her sweet body, So I had nothing known. Oh, now forever Farewell the tranquil listen! Farewell content! Cheerio the plumèd troops and the big wars That makes appetite virtue! Oh, farewell! Farewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump, The spirit-stirring drum, th' ear-piercing fife, The royal imprint, and all quality, Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war! And O you mortal engines, whose rude throats The immortal Jove'south dead clamors counterfeit, Farewell! Othello's occupation'due south gone.


I would accept been happy if the whole camp of soldiers, trench-diggers and all, had tasted her sweet body, if only I didn't know about information technology. Oh, at present I tin can say farewell to a peaceful listen! Farewell to being content! Adieu to the soldiers in uniform and the large wars that permit me to fulfill my ambitions! Oh, bye! Farewell the neighing horses and the shrill war trumpets, the war drums that stir the spirit, the ear-piercing flute, the royal banners, pride, the pomp and circumstance, and everything else that's good about war! And y'all deadly cannons, whose rude blasts are every bit loud as Jove'south thunderbolts, farewell! Othello's military career is finished.


Is 't possible, my lord?


Can this be possible, my lord?


Villain, be sure one thousand bear witness my love a whore, Be sure of it. Give me the ocular proof Or by the worth of mine eternal soul K hadst been meliorate have been born a dog Than respond my waked wrath!


Villain, you'd better be sure that my married woman turns out to be a whore. You'd better be certain of information technology. Requite me proof that I tin can see with my own optics, or I swear on my soul that you'll wish you had been born a dog rather than have to answer to my anger.


Make me to meet 't, or at the least then testify it That the probation carry no hinge nor loop To hang a doubt on, or woe upon thy life!


Give me evidence, or at to the lowest degree prove it beyond an ounce of dubiety—or else you'll regret it!


If m dost slander her and torture me, Never pray more. Abandon all remorse. On horror's head horrors accumulate, Do deeds to make sky weep, all globe amazed, For nothing canst thou to damnation add Greater than that.


If you are going to slander Desdemona and torture me, y'all tin can surrender on praying, and showing any remorse, considering information technology won't help you. Become ahead and pile more sins on top of the ones y'all've already committed, do things so horrible they'll make heaven cry and astound everyone on world. For aught you could do would add more to your damnation than if you should slander Desdemona more.


Oh, grace! Oh, heaven forgive me! Are y'all a human being? Have you a soul or sense? God buy yous, take mine office. O wretched fool That lov'st to brand thine honesty a vice! O monstrous globe! Have note, accept note, O globe, To be direct and honest is non safety. I give thanks you for this profit, and from hence I'll honey no friend, sith love breeds such offence.


Oh, grace! Oh, sky forgive me! Are you human? Do you have whatever sense, or a soul? Goodbye, I resign as flag-bearer. Oh what a fool I am for being honest to a fault! Oh this monstrous world! Take note, take note, anybody: information technology is not safe to be direct and honest. Cheers for teaching me this lesson. From here on out, I'll love no friend, since showing beloved for your friends causes such hate.


Nay, stay. One thousand shouldst be honest.


No, stay. You should be honest.


I should be wise, for honesty's a fool And loses that it works for.


I should be wise, because beingness honest is foolish and causes someone to lose all that he works for.


Past the earth, I think my wife exist honest and think she is non. I think that thou art but and remember thou art not. I'll have some proof. Her proper name, that was equally fresh As Dian's visage, is now begrimed and black As mine own face. If in that location be cords or knives, Poison, or fire, or suffocating streams, I'll not endure information technology. Would I were satisfied!


By the world, part of me thinks my wife is honest, and another role of me thinks she isn't. Office of me thinks yous're trustworthy, and another part of me thinks you're not. I need some proof. Her reputation, which was every bit pure and fair as Diana's , is now besmirched and black as my confront. If I can find whatsoever ropes, knives, poison, fire, or streams y'all can drown in, I won't endure this dishonor. If just I could exist satisfied in this!


I see, sir, you are eaten up with passion. I practise repent me that I put it to yous. Y'all would be satisfied?


I run across, sir, that passion is eating away at you lot. I regret that I told you almost this. You say that yous wish yous could exist satisfied?


Would? Nay, and I will.


Yes, and I volition exist.


And may, simply how? How satisfied, my lord? Would you, the supervisor, grossly gape on, Behold her topped?


Merely how? How will you be satisfied, my lord? Would yous, similar a voyeur, inappropriately watch and look on every bit she is having sex?


Death and damnation! Oh!


Death and damnation! Oh!


It were a tiresome difficulty, I think, To bring them to that prospect. Damn them then, If ever mortal eyes do see them bolster More than their own! What so? How so? What shall I say? Where'southward satisfaction? It is incommunicable you should encounter this, Were they every bit prime number equally goats, as hot equally monkeys, Every bit salt as wolves in pride, and fools as gross As ignorance made drunk. Only yet, I say, If imputation and strong circumstances Which lead directly to the door of truth Volition requite you satisfaction, you may have 't.


Information technology would be very hard, I retrieve, to adapt it so you could watch the two of them sleep together. They'd be damned if anyone else saw them having sexual practice. So, what now? What should we practice? What should I say? How could yous be satisfied that you know the truth? It is impossible that you should meet them in the human action, even if they were frisky as goats, monkeys, or wolves in heat, equally lustful every bit boozer idiots. But withal, I tell you, if y'all would be satisfied to find strong circumstantial evidence pointing to the truth, you could then detect such satisfaction.


Give me a living reason she's disloyal.


Give me some proof that Desdemona is disloyal.


I do not like the office. But, sith I am entered in this cause so far, Pricked to 't by foolish honesty and dear, I volition get on. I lay with Cassio lately And, being troubled with a raging tooth, I could not slumber. At that place are a kind of men So loose of soul that in their sleeps will mutter Their affairs. I of this kind is Cassio. In sleep I heard him say "Sweet Desdemona, Allow us be wary, let us hibernate our loves." And then, sir, would he gripe and wring my hand, Cry "O sweet fauna!" and so kiss me hard, As if he plucked upwards kisses by the roots That grew upon my lips, lay his leg Over my thigh, and sigh, and osculation, and then Cry "Cursed fate that gave thee to the Moor!"


I don't like this job. But since I'm already so securely involved in this, thank you to foolish honesty and concern for yous, I will go on. I was recently spending the night in Cassio'southward bedroom and couldn't sleep because of a raging toothache. Now, some men have such a loose soul that they mutter things in their sleep. Cassio is one of them. I heard him say in his slumber, "Sweet Desdemona, allow's be careful and hide our love." And then, sir, he clutched and grabbed my hand, crying "Oh sugariness woman!" and he kissed me hard equally if with his kisses he was trying to pull up some plant by the roots that was growing on my lips. He laid his leg over my thigh and sighed, and kissed, and then cried out, "Curse fate for giving you to the Moor!"


Oh, monstrous! Monstrous!


Oh, this is terrible! Terrible!


Nay, this was but his dream.


But this was only his dream.


But this denoted a foregone conclusion.


But his actions suggests something he had already done.


'Tis a shrewd uncertainty, though it be but a dream. And this may help to thicken other proofs That do demonstrate thinly.


It'south very suspicious, even though it'southward only a dream. And this may support and strengthen other, shakier testify.


I'll tear her all to pieces!


I'll tear Desdemona to pieces!


Nay, all the same be wise, withal we meet nothing done, She may be honest yet. Tell me simply this, Have yous not sometimes seen a handkerchief Spotted with strawberries in your wife's paw?


No, exist smart. We even so haven't seen annihilation actually happen. She may nevertheless turn out to exist honest. But tell me this: have yous occasionally seen a handkerchief decorated with strawberries in your married woman's hand?


I gave her such a one, 'twas my offset gift.


I gave her such a handkerchief. Information technology was my first gift to her.


I know not that, but such a handkerchief— I am sure it was your wife's—did I today See Cassio wipe his bristles with.


I didn't know that, but I saw Cassio use such a handkerchief—I'one thousand sure it was your wife's—to wipe his beard earlier today.


If it really was that handkerchief—


If information technology be that, or any that was hers, It speaks against her with the other proofs.


If information technology's the aforementioned ane, or whatsoever handkerchief of Desdemona's, information technology is another piece of prove weighing against her.


Oh, that the slave had forty m lives! Ane is as well poor, too weak for my revenge. Now practice I see 'tis true. Await here, Iago, All my fond dearest thus practice I accident to sky—'tis gone. Arise, black vengeance, from the hollow hell! Yield up, O love, thy crown and hearted throne To tyrannous detest! Swell, bust, with thy fraught, For 'tis of aspics' tongues!


Oh, if just that wretch Cassio had forty thousand lives, so I could impale him all those times! Once isn't enough for my revenge. Now I see that my suspicions are true. Look, Iago, I let go of all my fond dearest; it'due south all gone. Black vengeance, come to me from the depths of hell! Oh dearest, give manner to cruel hate! May my breast slap-up up with hate, as deadly equally the venom of poisonous snakes!


Oh, blood, blood, claret!


Oh, blood, blood, claret!


Patience, I say. Your mind may change.


Be patient, I'm telling you. You might change your mind.


Never, Iago. Like to the Pontic bounding main, Whose icy electric current and compulsive course Ne'er keeps retiring ebb but keeps due on To the Propontic and the Hellespont, Even then my bloody thoughts with trigger-happy pace Shall ne'er look back, ne'er ebb to humble love Till that a capable and wide revenge Consume them upward. Now, by yon marble heaven, In the due reverence of a sacred vow I hither appoint my words. (he kneels)


I'll never change my mind, Iago. Just like how the Blackness Sea never ebbs back but keeps flowing on with its icy waters through the Propontic bounding main and onward to the Hellespont, so my bloody thoughts simply motion forrard with a violent current and never look back. My anger is like a tide and if it ever recedes back to love it is swallowed upward again by a huge moving ridge of revenge. At present, by heaven, with all the reverence of a sacred oath, I here make a vow. [He kneels downwardly]


Exercise not rise yet. Witness, you ever-burning lights to a higher place, You lot elements that prune u.s.a. round near, Witness that hither Iago doth requite upward The execution of his wit, hands, centre, To wronged Othello's service. Let him command, And to obey shall be in me remorse, What bloody business concern ever.


Don't get upwards yet. [He kneels down as well]  May the stars in the sky, and the sky itself be my witnesses: Iago hereby dedicates all of his wit, strength, and eye to helping Othello, who has been wronged. Whatever he commands, I volition obey, whatever bloody task he gives me.


I greet thy dear Not with vain cheers just with acceptance bounteous, And will upon the instant put thee to 't. Within these three days let me hear thee say That Cassio'south not alive.


Rather than just giving you empty thanks for your vow, I volition accept up your generous offer and give you lot an club correct now. Within three days, let me hear you say that Cassio is expressionless.


My friend is dead, 'Tis done at your asking. Only allow her live.


Your wish is my command. My friend Cassio will die. But let Desdemona live.


Damn her, lewd minx! Oh, damn her, damn her! Come up, go with me apart. I volition withdraw To furnish me with some swift means of death For the fair devil. Now art m my lieutenant.


Damn her, that lusty flirt! Oh damn her, damn her! Come on, come get out with me. I will get to figure out some quick mode to impale the beautiful devil. At present you lot are my lieutenant.


I am your own for e'er.


I am loyal to you forever.


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